Dangers of Plavix

Dangers of Plavix

Dangers of Plavix - Despite claims by the makers of Plavix that it is superior to Aspirin in preventing heart attacks and strokes, studies have found that the medication carries no significant benefit and Plavix dangers actually increase the risk of injury for some users. For individuals with high cholesterol or high blood pressure, Plavix doubles the risk of a heart attack, stroke or serious bleed. For users with a history of gastrointestinal problems, the blood thinner carries twelve (12) times the risk of recurrent ulcers or gi bleeds when compared with aspirin and a heartburn pill.

Dangers of Plavix - Charisma Trial

CHARISMA Trial may be misinterpreted by patients with coronary stents and other conditions*, causing these patients to inappropriately stop taking the anti-clotting drug Plavix. Patients taking Plavix for any reason should consult with their cardiologist or other health care provider before stopping this medication.

The CHARISMA Trial was presented at the Annual Scientific Sessions of the American College of Cardiology on Sunday, March 12 in Atlanta and simultaneously published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Although the CHARISMA trial showed no benefit to combining Plavix and aspirin and for certain patients, this study does not invalidate use of the drug for approved indications, such as stenting. Certain other patients are given Plavix after hospitalization for heart attack or stroke. Patients with these conditions must discuss the benefits and risks of anti-clotting medication with their health care provider and should not stop Plavix on their own. Discontinuation of Plavix in patients with recently-placed stents can cause clot formation within the stent, resulting in serious harm or death.

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