Audit proof Form 8275

Audit Proof Form 8275

Audit Form 8275 - Audit proofing techniques can be used effectively to prevent audits, penalties and the wasting of time. The techniques are simple, and should be used because the IRS produces a special audit proofing form you can use. Form 8275. Audit-proofing is based on the principal of providing with your return the information relevant to a claim in the return. You provide information for claims you think could raise a red flag and can cause an audit.

Form 8275 Charitable contributions...

Charitable contributions, mileage claims for a small business, unusually high entertainment costs, a home office reduction, or unusual medical expenses are among those deductions that are highly scrutinized.

By providing proof in the case of a potentially suspect deduction with the return, you eliminate the need for the return to be audited. Proof may include items, such as copies of canceled checks, copies of receipts, or an affidavit explaining how you arrived at certain deductions.

Form 8275 and the IRS Audit

Form 8275 is a form the IRS would rather you did not know about or use. It is called the Disclosure Statement. When filed with the return, it calls attention to a claim made and says "I claimed this based on these specific grounds." Bottom line, it allows you to prove your claim without going through an audit.

By proving your case before an audit, you greatly reduce the need for an audit, and the depth of an audit if there are other claims called into question later. The IRS would rather not audit those who are informed and prepared to quickly respond.

All individual returns and most corporate returns are evaluated for audit potential under a computerized process called the discriminant function (DIF) system. The Dif system is a mathematical technique that allows the Service to measure certain items on a return to determine the possibility of adjustment if that return is examined.

Audit proof Form 8275
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